Back from Tucson

So as I had expected, the show was amazing. Some friends were there and some were missing, Ā but the atmosphere in the air was there, the dry Tucson air, that for just a few weeks became a little more moist.

Traffic was steady. In any other show, I would have considered it to be slow, but those who had come had come to do business šŸ˜‰
People ask me - what was the best seller? Which gem was the favorite?
I could honestly say, everything sold!
If itā€™s well-cut, beautiful, and natural- it sells.

What I did find interesting was that people loved our amazing layouts and sets.

So what am I grateful for??
The incredible business we have, the great network of people in our trade. I appreciate your business and love you all šŸ˜˜

See you in Vegas or beforeā€¦
